Trus kenapa aku ngotot mesti nyoba fleur de sel? well, gara-gara kemakan cerita dibeberapa blog lain tentang kelezatan garam ini apabila bercampur dengan karamel dan coklat. Ada yang di jadikan campuran es krim, permen, cake, cookies, macaroon...pokoknya versatile banget deh!. Apalagi aku naksir resep dibuku Cupcakes-nya Martha Stewart. Disana ada cupcake coklat pake filling caramel, taburan fluer de sel dan chocolate frosting yang deskripsinya bikin ngiler abeez. Gambarnya juga bikin aku gregetan pengen nyobain *hihi*. Walaupun rasanya ntah kenapa akhir-akhir ini aku terasa agak malas baking, kemarin aku paksakan juga bikin cupcakes nya dulu. Lalu aku simpan di wadah kedap udara untuk diselesaikan hari ini.

Next, aku bikin karamelnya. Lancar aja, sempat kaget dengan jumlah garamnya yang lumayan banyak. Tapi, karena ini tante Martha, aku percaya *cieee*. Selanjutnya, bikin chocolate frosting. Kalo dari komposisi bahannya, aku yakin enak. Tapi rasanya gak seringan frosting yang juga aku bikin untuk black magic cake. Cuma kali ini, frostingnya terlihat lebih cantik dan shinny karena ada penambahan coklat cair. Ini akan jadi frosting pilihanku untuk cake coklat hantaran. Selain lebih nyata saat di spuit, juga lebih kokoh dibandingkan yang aku sebut tadi. Setelah karamel dan frosting selesai, aku harus menyatukan semuanya. Finally, lets wrap it up!

Untuk membandingkan rasa fleur de sel-nya. Aku juga nyoba cicip rasa garam kasar yang ada di dapurnya si Umi. Hasilnya? gak begitu beda jauh tuh. Aku sendiri jadi ragu buat nyoba bikin makanan yang pake fleur de sel lagi, karena aku memang lebih suka makanan dengan rasa yang jelas. Harus lebih hati-hati memilih resep yang pas. Mungkin kalau aku ketemu dengan resep yang lebih simple, misalnya caramel dan garam saja atau coklat dengan garam aja. Karena kalo ketiganya di campur, yeah...a bit too much for me.... paling gak, sekarang aku gak penasaran lagi. Bagi yang suka cupcake dengan rasa rada funky, silahkan aja di coba. Buktinya, kak Ika suka tuh...hihihihihi...
Ini resepnya, aku ketik langsung aja dari bukunya ya...

Martha Stewart
1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
3/4 cup unsweetened Dutch-process cocoa powder
1 1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
3/4 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp salt
2 large eggs
3/4 cup buutermilk
3 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
3/4 cup warm water
Direction :
- Preheat oven to 350 . Line mini muffin tins with paper liners. In a mixing bowl, whisk together flour, cocoa, sugar, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Add eggs, buttermilk, oil, vanilla, and the water. With an electric mixer on low speed, beat until smooth and combined, scraping down sides of bowl as needed.
- Divide better evenly among lined cups, filling each about two-thirds full. Bake, rotating tins halfway through, until a cake tester inserted in centers comes out clean, about 15 minutes. Transfer tins on wire racks and let cook completely. Cupcakes can be stored overnight at room temperature.
- To finish, use a paring knife to cut a cone-shaped piece (about 1/2 inch deep) from the center of each cupcake (discard pieces). Spoon 1 to 2 teaspoon warm filling into each hollowed-out cupcake. Sprinkle pinch of sea salt over filling.
- Fill a pastry bag fitted with a medium open-star tip with frosting. Pipe frosting onto each cupcake, swirling tip and realeasing as you pull up to form a peak. Garnish each cupcake with a pinch of sea salt. Cupcake are best eaten the day they are fulled and frosted. Store at room temperature in airtight containers (do not refrigerate) until ready to serve.
Martha Stewart
2 1/2 cups sugar
2/3 water
1 tbsp light corn syrup
3/4 cup heavy cream
2 1/2 tsp sea salt, preferably fleur de sel
Direction :
Heat sugar with water and corn syrup in a heavy saucepan over high, stirring occasionally, until syrup is clear. Clip a candy thermometer to side of pan. Stop stirring, and cook until syrup comes to a boil, washing down the sides of pan with wet pastry brush as needed. Boil, gently swirling pan occasionally, until mixture is caramelized and just reaches 360F. Remove from heat, slowly pour in cream (mixture will spatter) and stir with a wooden spoon untul smooth. Stir in sea salt. Use immediately. If at any time caramel begins to harden, reheat gently until pourable.
Martha Stewart
1/2 cup plus 1 tbsp unsweetened Dutch-process cocoa powder
1/2 cup plus 1 tbsp boiling water
2 1/4 cups (4 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature
3/4 cups confectioners sugar, sifted
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 punds best-quality semi-sweet chocolate, melted and cooled
Direction :
Combine cocoa and boiling water, stirring until cocoa has dissolved. With an electric mixer on medium-high speed, beat butter, confectioners sugar, and salt until pale and fluffy. Reduce speed to low. Add melted and cooled chocolate, beating until combined and scraping down sides of bowl as needed. Beat in the cocoa mixture. If not use immediately, frosting can be refrigerated up to 5 days, or frozen up to 1 month, in an airtight continer. Before using, bring to room temperature, and beat on low speed until smooth again.
Martha Stewart
2 1/2 cups sugar
2/3 water
1 tbsp light corn syrup
3/4 cup heavy cream
2 1/2 tsp sea salt, preferably fleur de sel
Direction :
Heat sugar with water and corn syrup in a heavy saucepan over high, stirring occasionally, until syrup is clear. Clip a candy thermometer to side of pan. Stop stirring, and cook until syrup comes to a boil, washing down the sides of pan with wet pastry brush as needed. Boil, gently swirling pan occasionally, until mixture is caramelized and just reaches 360F. Remove from heat, slowly pour in cream (mixture will spatter) and stir with a wooden spoon untul smooth. Stir in sea salt. Use immediately. If at any time caramel begins to harden, reheat gently until pourable.
Martha Stewart
1/2 cup plus 1 tbsp unsweetened Dutch-process cocoa powder
1/2 cup plus 1 tbsp boiling water
2 1/4 cups (4 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature
3/4 cups confectioners sugar, sifted
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 punds best-quality semi-sweet chocolate, melted and cooled
Direction :
Combine cocoa and boiling water, stirring until cocoa has dissolved. With an electric mixer on medium-high speed, beat butter, confectioners sugar, and salt until pale and fluffy. Reduce speed to low. Add melted and cooled chocolate, beating until combined and scraping down sides of bowl as needed. Beat in the cocoa mixture. If not use immediately, frosting can be refrigerated up to 5 days, or frozen up to 1 month, in an airtight continer. Before using, bring to room temperature, and beat on low speed until smooth again.
For my beloved Hubby, doaku selalu menyertai langkahmu
*big big hug*
*big big hug*
wah bikin ngiler ya :D
fleur de selnya akhirnya nemu di mana mbak? saya jg lagi bingung mending beli onilne apa gimana hehehehehe thanks ya.
Mba' Jeanette (I love your name, btw..!)
Aku akhirnya beli di Sogo food hall atau kem chick ya *lupa* kalo gak salah di kedua tempat itu ada koq. Kalo merk yang aku pake ini, kayaknya gak begitu sulit dicari. Good luck.
mau nanya. beli corn syrupnya dimana yaa?
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